It’s always good to look back at the prior year and see all the accomplishments you have made. Over the last year, Hammonds has made strides, continuing its leadership in the fuel quality industry. As we enter 2024, we thought it would be good to recap some 2023 blog posts in case you missed some.
Posts on Corrosion
The Corrosion Connect reviews the connection between fuel system corrosion and microbial contamination. If you missed it, check it out now.
The Corrosive Reality of Ethanol Fuel investigates ethanol blended gasoline, its effect on equipment and how to reduce ethanol corrosion. If you missed it, check it out now.
Fuel System Inspections takes a look at how to find the problem in your fuel tank, including identifying system corrosion. If you missed it, check it out now.
Posts on Fuel Quality Management
It’s Groundhog Day Again takes a look at the causes of poor fuel quality in fuel storage systems and the consequences of neglecting fuel quality management. If you missed it, check it out now.
Are You Feelin’ Lucky outlines Hammond’s Test, Treat, Protect approach to fuel quality management. If you missed it, check it out now.
A Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure outlines the importance of using Hammond’s Test, Treat, Protect program in the workboat industry. If you missed it, check it out now.
Diesel Fuel Storage 101 describes a proactive three step approach to fuel quality management. If you missed it, check it out now.
Heating Oil Problems investigates fuel related problems, the answer to those problems and the results obtained by implementing the answer. If you missed it, check it out now.
The Do’s and Don’ts of Long-Term Diesel Storage discusses the essentials to managing fuel long-term. If you missed it, check it out now.
Fuel Additives
Top Fuel Additives lists the best fuel additives on the market. If you missed it, check it out now.
6 Reasons to Use Biobor Fuel Additives Year-Round looks at the advantages to using Biobor diesel fuel additives. If you missed it, check it out now.
Don’t Trust Any Other Biocide with Your Equipment reveals the many reasons why Biobor JF fuel biocide is the best. If you missed it, check it out now.
Biobor MD list 6 reasons to choose Biobor MD in your diesel fuel. If you missed it, check it out now.
Beat the Heat looks at the negative effects of heat on diesel fuel and lists Hammond’s additives that can help beat the heat. If you missed it, check it out now.
Transportation Energy lists diesel additives designed to save you money and improve engine performance. If you missed it, check it out now.
Biobor EB outlines Hammond’s multi-purpose gasoline additive, designed to combat the harmful effects of ethanol. If you missed it, check it out now.
Winterizing Diesel talks about how to prepare you fuel for cold weather and why Hammond’s products are the best choice. If you missed it, check it out now.
Microbial Contamination in Fuel
Dealing with Heavy Microbial Contamination in Fuel Systems looks into the steps involved in dealing with heavy contamination. If you missed it, check it out now.
Where Microbes Live reveals the importance of using a fuel biocide that can actually reach the microbes where they live. If you missed it, check it out now.
Hum-Bug Detector Kit looks at Hammond’s effective solution for detecting microbes. If you missed it, check it out now.
Jet Fuel Contamination lists the three common contributors to jet fuel contamination our how to circumvent contamination issues. If you missed it, check it out now.
It’s Coming to Get You looks at basic microbial contamination and how to avoid it. If you missed it, check it out now.
Biofilm Formation in Fuel Systems introduces biofilm basics to help you understand the importance of microbial contamination control. If you missed it, check it out now.

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