Halloween season often evokes memories of scary images and thoughts of monsters. The idea that something is coming to get you. Whether it conjures up your fears or your fantasies, Halloween is just around the corner and what better time than now to talk about that evil or evils – the Humbug. One thing is for certain, if you don’t manage your fuel quality, he is sure to come.
What is a Humbug anyway? A Humbug is a hydrocarbon utilizing microorganism – BUG. Sounds ominous. Well, it can be if they get in your fuel tank. Humbugs are responsible for millions of dollars of damage in the fuel industry. They are responsible for corrosion, fuel loss, equipment damage and environmental contamination.
The reality is bacteria and fungi are everywhere. These microorganisms eat your fuel, growing inside your tanks and fuel lines. They produce sticky, gooey masses that clog filters and corrode metal. Take a look at some of the scary images posted. These all contain Humbugs. Brown, black and greenish globs of evil. Their physical presence in your fuel system present one of the most damaging and potentially dangerous problems. Guess what, they don’t act alone. They come in Humbug armies, working together to overtake your fuel system.

So, how do I get rid of these hideous creatures? Biobor JF will do the job. Designed to get rid of those nasty Humbugs, Biobor effectively kills and inhibits the growth of bacteria and fungi that contaminate fuel systems. Don’t let Humbugs ruin your day. Get Biobor JF NOW.

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