Diesel fuel degrades easier and faster today. Stability, a fuel’s resistance to degradation, is key to storing fuels. Due to today’s distillation process, diesel fuel does not have the stability it used to. The high pressures and high temperatures used in the refining process break down the fuel molecules making it more susceptible to accelerated degradation. That means less stability. Consequently, diesel fuel needs to be additized.
Are there factors that accelerate fuel degradation?
Since diesel fuel is already more susceptible to degradation, additional exposure to oxygen, heat and water will certainly accelerate the process. All fuel is exposed to oxygen. Fuel oxidation is a natural part of the degradation process. Fuels stored in aboveground storage tanks (AST) are more likely to experience high temperatures and more condensation due to temperature fluctuations than underground storage tanks (UST). The more heat and water, the less stable the fuel becomes.

What can be done to address the issues and provide stability protection?
Fuel will degrade over time. There are ways to interrupt the degradation and minimize the effects. Fuel system housekeeping will definitely help. Keeping the fuel dry and cool extends the life of your fuel a little. The most beneficial way to increase fuel stability is to use a good fuel stabilizer. A quality multi-functional additive will contain a fuel stabilizer.
What do fuel stabilizers do?
A fuel stabilizer inhibits the degradation of the fuel and extends long-term fuel storage. It prevents the formation of gums, asphaltenes and sludge associated with oxidization. Biobor DC+Cetane contains a fuel stabilizer that will provide the necessary protection needed for long-term storage.

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