In 2020 there were 383 major electrical outages in the US according to the Energy Department, resulting in millions without power. This year is not looking any better. Since 2016, the problem with the nation’s power grid have gotten worse forcing many to become dependent on generated electrical power. Companies like Generac have seen explosive growth with no end in sight. Diesel generators are among the most commonly used emergency backup power. Surprisingly, one of the most consistent statistics remains the failure of generators to start or continue running during an emergency. Around 75% fail to operate properly due to fuel contamination. What’s the solution?

How reliable is the fuel in your generator tank? There seems to be an overabundant view that a fuel filter will take care of any fuel quality issues. That simply is not true. System filters are generally good for filtering out large contaminants. Even aftermarket filters cannot solve the problems associated with aging, contaminated fuel. So is there a simple solution? It really is as simple as Test…Treat…✔Protect.
Do a visual test to see what your fuel looks like. Pull a sample from the bottom of the tank and see if it is bright and clear. If it isn’t, you have a problem. Either way, test your fuel using one of Hammond’s testing products. If you don’t need immediate results, use the Hum-Bug Detector® Kit and have your results in a matter of a few days. It’s an easy test to use to detect microbes in the fuel and water if present. One of the most damaging fuel contaminants is microbial contamination. Bacteria and fungus will make their home in your fuel system, producing acids and biomass that will clog your filters and cause serious engine damage. If you need instant results, use FuelStat and get your results within 15 minutes.
If you find contamination, you may need to have the tank professionally cleaned. No matter the level of contamination, it’s always best to treat your fuel using Biobor JF and Biobor DC + Cetane available in both a summer and winter blend. Biobor JF will kill any microbes and preserve your fuel. It is also a lubricity additive, reducing wear scar by almost 20%, perfect for reducing expensive maintenance costs caused by dry ULSD. Biobor DC will increase the shelf life of your diesel. Did you know the average shelf life of ULSD is around six months? Using Biobor DC can extend it to 18 months or more. Want clean diesel? Use Biobor JF and DC. It will protect both your fuel and equipment. Didn’t find contamination? Use Biobor products to preserve and extend the life of your fuel. Trust Biobor for your generator. It will protect it from failure just like it has been protecting aircraft since 1965.

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